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Don Oliver
Position: Staff reporter

Down but not out, not by a long shot

I recently took a fly fishing vacation to Grand Bahama. The fishing was great. The travel to and from deserves a column on the nightmare of travel at the end of COVID-19. The trip, arrange...

Road trip reinstated

Last year because of the COVID-19 pandemic, “She Who Must Be Obeyed” (SWMBO) and I had to cancel our annual spring road trip. This year, the virus wasn’t so rampant, and we had received both...

It’s here – spring, that is

This column is really for those who are new to fly fishing, been doing it fewer than two years, or like me, can’t remember what you had for dinner last night. It’s about what to do to get re...

Gumbo, Dixie Beer and Redfish

If you are familiar with the south, you know from the title I was in Louisiana. Louisiana, similar to other Gulf Coast states, is known for many things. But I think the gumbo, beer and redfi...

Looks and nudges on the Animas River

The high country is snowed-in, the Southern Ute Reservation and the San Juan River are closed, the lakes are icing over; the Animas is our fall-back. And, frankly, it is a good fall-back. ...

Curls that aren’t so cute

We’ve all seen advertising pictures of little girls with cute curly hair. Those of us that fly fish have seen a fly cast that falls several feet short of the intended target because the line...

Braided, brookies and a bird

Last week, two members of the Braided fly fishing club and I decided the three of us should spend a day fly fishing for brook trout. For those of you that don’t know, Braided is a fly fishin...

Have fly rod, will travel

A friend from California called late last winter wanting to know if I’d like to join him for two days of fly fishing in Gunnison this summer. I quickly checked my analog calendar and discove...

Old friends meeting my new friend

Having become the poster boy as to why people pursue a career as an orthopedic surgeon, She Who Must Be Obeyed (SWMBO) thought I should have a river helper. My balance has becom...

Be prepared, make a list

If I remember correctly, the motto for the Boy Scouts is “Be Prepared”. That should also be the motto for those of us that fly fish. Not being prepared as you head out for a day ...

Pastorious hidden in plain sight

Even though COVID-19 is still with us, and it seems many writers can think of nothing else to write about, I have strayed from that place. Actually, I am at the point of either ch...

What I did during the lockdown

My email inbox has been filled with things to do during the stay-at-home edict. They have ranged from making the house spotless, finishing the entire honey-do list, gaining weight and develo...